=== FAQ === **Q: What is socceraction?** Socceraction is an open source Python package that primarily provides an implementation of the VAEP possession value framework. However, the package also provides a number of other features, such as API clients for loading data from the most popular data providers and converters for each of these data provider's proprietary data formats to a common action-based data format (i.e., SPADL) that enables subsequent data analysis. Therefore, socceraction can take away some of the heavy data preprocessing burden from researchers and data scientists who are interested in working with soccer event stream data. **Q: Where can I get event stream data?** Both StatsBomb and Wyscout provide a free sample of their data. Alternatively, you can buy a subscription to the event data feed from StatsBomb, Wyscout or Opta (Stats Perform). Instructions on how to load the data from each of these sources with socceraction are available in the :doc:`documentation `. **Q: What license is socceraction released under?** Socceraction is released under the `MIT license `_. You are free to use, modify and redistribute socceraction in any way you see fit. However, if you do use socceraction in your research, please cite our `research papers `_. When you use socceraction in public work or when building a product or service using socceraction, we kindly request that you include the following attribution text in all advertising and documentation:: This product includes socceraction created by the DTAI Sports Analytics lab, available from https://github.com/ML-KULeuven/socceraction.